Saturday, February 12, 2011

Long Post is Long. Attempt two.

So after blogspot sort of half-assedly let me know that I am out of bandwidth (somewhere, not really indicated where) I attempted to use facebook for one of it's only useful purposes: as a photo-hosting website. Much to my dismay I came to realize that they switched their photo-viewing options from a facebook style, in which you can link people to any photo to more of a "picassa" style (i loathe picassa and everything about it) in which you cannot give direct hyperlinks to photos and therefore cannot link photos to people or to other websites...such as blogs. I guess it's their way of saying we're losing money because we're lame and here's a way to save money which no one will notice. Well, I noticed. My friend Danny mentioned if you install firefox 4 beta you can get around it. I did it and luckily I got around it and found a loophole in facebook. Good job guys. So here is a belated post of the shenanigans that went on yesterday at Unleash!

 Handsome Tucker is Handsome.  

Bruce noms on Kingsley's face.
Tucker asks for a kiss.
So Heidi wants one too...
And Superstar says ME THREE!
Buy one get one free?
Maddie strolls by.
Nettles, Ludo and Dallas all sit!

More photos:
Precious Nettles.
Chewy chills out.
Heidi keeps a look-out.
Moses and Brava get pets from Casey
Roo (or Rue?) - the cutest of the cute.
Koko and Apollo relax.
Kingsley & Brava. He's got a thing for the Rhodesian girls!
Bruce & Lady Red show off their teeth.
Nettles enters the big dog run! First kiss from Bruce.
How gorgeous!
An exhausted Lady Red
Maebe & Kane
Bernie & Bueller
Aster and Ellodie
Beckett, Stella, Aster & Peanut all look at SOMETHING.
Ellodie & Beckett
This is what organic chemists call an unstable conformation chair.
And in a few weeks you'll be too big for this!
Bruce & Brava
Peanut approaches Zari for playtime
Zari says: STOP ... in the name of love!
Just kidding lets play!
Little dog's got a LOT of spunk
The girl has got the magic touch
Play with me!
Our rescue dog November!
A few of Felix's jumping skills.
Kane says megan whatcha doing?
Oh nothing, just playing with the cutest puppy on earth
Seriously just look at this puppy
Ladybug & Apollo investigate Barkley
Kingsley & Moses
Our rescue, Ella, has some sad eyes
Koko says...a WHEAT terrier? Wheaton!
The lesser known two rhodesians, one ramp.
I have a bias towards Shepherds because I have one so Koda lights up my entire life. He brings the fun. Literally. Just look at who is the center of attention.
Oh don't mind me, I'm just being AWESOME
Kingsley & Apollo
Kingsley & Koko
Bruce & Dallas
Heidi climbs up...
Any room for me?
Superstar & Monkey
Gorgeous Koda and Pretty Lady
What a handsome man!
Tucker asks for kisses!
Chase me chase me
3-way bite:Dallas, Apollo, Kingsley
Byron requests love.
Luc vs. Ludo
Sweet Ellodie
Seriously do we SEE Koda's face??
Bruce & Koda
Maddie & Bruce
Love this face.

Have a great weekend everyone!

1 comment:

  1. thanks for all of these great posts, Marina. It's very cool to see our pets at play. everyone at unleash is so great! - tucker's people :)
