Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Lots of photos today which is why I'll post a couple and then make the rest linked in a "read more" thing. In the land of livejournal we call it a "livejournal-cut" but I'm not sure what we call it in the peninsula of blogspot. I'll call it a spot-cut.
Henry! Henry makes me want a Dachshund so much! Whenever I drop him off at home he dances and prances around like a tiny little deer. It's quite adorable.
Henry and Peanut investigating who is behind the door.
Maggie had an itch!
Lady Red! I've never seen a black boxer before.
Coco gives Roxie a pat on the back.    

Brava and Frankie
Let's see if this cut-thing will work.Hope-so considering how many photos there are!

Frankie and Brava playing...Heidi says...hey can I get in on this?!
Heidi does a sideways playbow.
Heidi initiates play with Coco.
Heidi, Red, Frankie and Sumo
Byron and the gang
Luna ears!
Peanut and Kane...and Honey in the corner
Ginge, Coco, Red, Sumo and Brava
Coco's famous smile.
Kingsley with an arm around Koko
All love.
Everyone investigates the new guy (Apollo).
Peanut...another peanut!
Ellodie & Franklin

Dog pile!
Tucker takes a ramp-nap
Is there someone at the door? Coco will investigate!

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