As I sit in my living room watching the Wigan vs. Manchester United game I reminisce about how wonderful the World Cup was this past summer. I didn't miss a single game because it was being played constantly at Unleash Brooklyn. For the final game, however, I attended my cousin's wedding at which many a Russian man held in his hand simultaneously some sort of vodka beverage and an iphone over which he was watching the final game. My father happened to be one of those men and so we got to watch the end of the final game...Viva Espana!
My Dad: For Manchester United...this week is just going to be death...this poor, poor team...
Now why am I blabbering about the world cup when I should be posting photos of dogs? Well...because yesterday one of my favorite dogs who would come during the summer came back to board!
Sasha!!! This dog is so much fun. He loves life and running around and snuggling and everything wonderful in existence. When I sat and snuggled with dogs while watching the world cup during the summer, Sasha was always my right-hand man. Always watching right along with me like a true companion. Therefore I told Sasha that in 2014 he will be sipping cocktails on the flight to Brazil with me to see the world cup then! |
I love the spots on his tongue! They're really really funny. |
Who, you may ask, is that handsome Shepherd sitting in the middle of the run, seemingly lost in his brain and questioning where is he and why he is there? That's my dog Rem. That's not the typical expression on his face. He just really REALLY hates the camera flash. He actually looks like this: |
Running full-speed ahead to try to get a ball of some sort. Note: he is almost ten years old! |
Back to Daycare dogs...
I'm not too sure as to what Kiddo is doing in this photo. I think he was playing with the other two poodles (Luc and Lola) and this photo was a failed attempt to capture Kiddo in a playbow. Womp womp. |
That's Luc in the middle and Lola behind Luc. Luc is very obviously a go-go-go IMADOGHI and Lola is very cat-like in personality. Very gentle lady. |
More photos:
Justina sitting with Aster & Chewy (Rob's Dog). Chewy is my DREAM dog. A fun and playful little thing that can literally go non-stop for hours going crazy and then zonk out for ten minutes and then go RIGHT back to playing. So intense. I don't know that I would be able to keep up with that energy level in my old age ;) |
Crazy Ludo (affectionately Nicknamed Cujo because she greets you with a frenetically wagging tail and a full set of bared teeth - not aggressively but in a smiling manner...our rescue Lulu does the same exact thing). |
Justina and Ashley with the gang. |
Frances, Roxie and Ludo...girls just want to have fun. Friday was a day of stop-and-go traffic. It was a pretty slow and quiet day (aside from barking) and there weren't too many dogs for daycare. So these ladies had LOTS of room to run around and go insane. |
Karou (I think that's the spelling) and Sasha join in on Ludo's fun.That ramp is always the target for catch-me-if-you-can games. Not just dog-dog but also me-dog. I love playing tag with them. |
Halfway to naptime. My dog Rem and our rescue Ella are passed out. Roxie, Kyra and Ludo continue to engage in play. That's Megan on the ramp with Frances. For a small girl Frances has an unbelievable energy level. And also has no problem running up 6 flights of stairs when the elevator in the Viridian is broken while I'm crawling up the stairs behind her trying to catch my breath. |
Luc tackles Monty while Kiddo tries to get out of the way of the lumbering beasts. When Luc and Monty play it's akin to elephants playing. All small dogs are best to get out the way! |
Luc, Monty and Lola playing |
Stella and Smudge. Our gargoyles. Rawr. |
Monty is a beast. He's really not that big, he's a Wheaton but he plays like crazy. |
I love when they all sit on the bench. I like to tease and pose questions such as: "Cookie? Treat? Ball? Walk?" and see who turns their heads when. |
Ellodie. Jeez, look at that mess in the background. Hah, more on that later! |
Look at Aster climbing on Megan. For some reason a lot of our boarding/daycare beagle-mixes like to do that. They think they're masseuse-supreme. Real cute. |
Aster wants to make out. C'mon just a little bit.
And even more photos:
Something weird is going on while making this post. With texts and photos. They keep getting rearranged. Sadface.
Kiddo says...can has home yet?
Kiddo & Lola
Our rescues. Look how cute. You know you want one. Or 3.
Mike is too funny
Oh Stella. She poses so well.
Kiki, Rascal, Honey, Mike, Aster, Alfie, Ellodie, Stella
I leave you with a rat tail to have a nice weekend. This is one of my rats hiding in a box after I gave her a treat to chew on. Have fun with life everyone! |
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