Thursday, March 24, 2011

Daycare/Boarding Dogs

Sorry for not uploading for the last two days. Things have been a little crazy.
Coco and Honey - our two favorite crazies!
Max - Moses' slightly chubbier alter-ego
Kyra with Balthazar-who has no idea what bite-inhibition is
Handsome boy ...needs to learn that he's a dog. With sharp teeth. That might weigh over 150 lbs
Pretty Lola

Coco needs a field filled with rabbits, pheasants and other game. For now she will settle for Leica's, Orwell's, November's and Huxley's
This reminds me of a very weird double-date - Pooh with Rascal and Coco with Leica
A couple of Coco playing with our old rescue November. Neither dog has very good control of limb function. Arms and legs kind of just fly about without regulation or grace. But it's adorable
Coco spends most of her time in playbows. Precious
I love Tucker because you can toss him in any run. He gets along with EVERY dog and is so gentle and sweet. Want, want DOUBLE want. He reminds me of my dog when he was younger ;(
Rescues Rascal and Howie with Coco. Watch Coco's limbs. No self-control.
The corner of dogs with spots
Tucker literally gets all the ladies. Watch the rest of the photos. He has women. Lots of them. And knows how to keep them in line when they fight over him.
Coco and Leica both have spots on their butts!
No. Limb. Control.
Shea had a bath today. She smelled delicious
Look at Chloe giving Mauer a kiss!
New daycare dog - Desmo
Coco...are you REALLY trying to mess with Henry?
Henry doesn't tolerate any nonsense. Just look at his face. Serious cat is serious.
Mauer and Wilma <3
Henry looks down on Howie and Beckett
Alan plays with Clover
Look at Clover's playbow!
Tucker & Zoey
Wilma does silly things. Chloe doesn't get it.
Wilma's weirdness confuses many
Chloe saying hi to Isabel - Desmo's sister
They look so similar!

Tucker. Keeping his ladies in line.
Coco & Zoey
Kiki is a tough kid! Playing with the big girls
Hello scram
Scram says hello to Mrs. Pants
Scram & Leica - Frenchies!
Scram & Ellodie

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