Monday, March 7, 2011

Daycare/Boarding Dogs

Rufus is the biggest Great Dane I've ever seen. He is extremely gentle, calm and polite to add to the fact that his loose-leash walking is better than any other dog I've ever walked. He does have an incredibly loud and intimidating bark.
When on his hind legs he towers over me. TOWERS.
But look at those sweet eyes! How do you say no to a face like that?
Forza and Twiggy. The happiness never ends.

Meanwhile, at base camp: Brandy, Zoey, Luc and Riley
Ellodie, Stella and Maggie. Stella is literally licking Ellodie.
Black and Grey and WHITE all over!
Bella in a play-bow
No photo taken does this dog any justice. He is infinitely taller and more handsome in real life.
Who? Oh, just the cutest puppy EVER
Can we guess who the recurring theme for tonight is?
Heidi has a lovely smile
A couple of Tucker & Rufus being lovers
There are so many dogs and I am so tired
Tucker makes such awful faces while playing but he is just SO gentle
Give Rocky a kiss!
Koko must not realize how much bigger Rufus really is.
Zoey & Tucker
Koko & Tucker
If I could afford to feed a dog this size I would totally want one. They're such cuddle-buddies. It would make for epic nights of snuggling on the couch. Well...if I wasn't getting kicked off.
Zoey is so cute
Forza assures Jay that she, too, can be really cute
EDNA IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Brandy in the small dog run!
Brandy & Buddy loved each other. How do dogs always pick dogs with similar sounding names to befriend?
Brandy in a playbow!
Stella & Chewy...heh heh heh Chewy's sister was named Stella, too, after the raw food that sponsors DHR
Megabyte kind of wants to play, too
This dog is so beautiful I actually want to cry
Brava & Heidi tear up the dance floor
You must be this tall to play with Brava
This dog is growing up too quickly. I miss puppy stages
PLZ to remove yourself from ramp
Srlsy don't make me come any further up there
WAHHHH COME DOWN. Rufus, do you need someone to call you a WAH-mbulance?
Nothing is really in focus but look! Seeing triple!

Sorry there were not really many words.
I spent a lot of time running my dog this morning and then work and I'm exhausted.
I think I might start bringing my camera to the creek to take photos again...things are coming back into bloom. Good night New York (Neverland)

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